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Teachtoday visited the Hausburg-Grundschule in Berlin, Friedrichshain for “Safer Internet Days” on February 2nd, 2015. More than 100 students trained their media skills with the stations of our Media Obstacle Course.

The Media Obstacle Course was inaugurated on Safer Internet Day in Berlin. The children were greeted by Gabriele Kotulla of Deutsche Telekom, Sabine Toepfer-Kataw, the Senate of Berlin’s State Secretary, and Cansel Kiziltepe, Member of the German Bundestag.

Impressions from the Safer Internet Day

Then the 4th and 5th graders took on the Media Obstacle Course stations, where they learned to assess their own Internet behavior. Much like a “jump and run” computer game, responsiveness and skill are needed.

“It's important not to wag the finger and make children afraid of digital media but to help them develop reasonable behavior towards media,” said Sabine Töpfer Kataw, Secretary of State for Consumer Protection.

Further information
/mediabase/img/4755.jpg Over 120 children were offered the opportunity at the “Summit for Kids” to strengthen their safe media usage in a playful and exciting way. Summit for Kids 2017
/mediabase/img/3238.jpg On November 04, 2016 Teachtoday held its “Summit for Kids” in Bonn, this time on data traces and security. Find out more! Summit for Kids 2016

Summit for Kids 2015

Summit for Kids 2014

Safer Internet Day 2018

Safer Internet Day 2017

Safer Internet Day 2016


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