The first mobile phone
An orientation on age, developmental stage and safety aspects in order to make the right decision.

Media usage times
Clear and practical recommendations on media time and tools, such as media time planners and parenting contracts.

Dangers on the Internet
How you can protect your children from negative influences and sensitize them to the conscious use of media.

Use of social networks
Get information on network security, profile settings and responsible use of social networks here.

First aid for cyberbullying
For crisis situations such as cyberbullying or abuse, specific recommendations for action, legal information and the possibility of further help.

Growing up safely with media
Get helpful tips on secure passwords, device protection, role modeling and supervised media use to proactively support your children.

Age recommendations, depictions of violence, attacks by other players - find out more about what your children should be aware of when gaming online.

Relationships and sexuality
How you can discuss sensitive topics around sexting, cybergrooming and unauthorized sharing of intimate images with your children.

Find out more about the aims and services of our Teachtoday initiative on the subject of strengthening and promoting media skills.The right age depends on individual factors. Check whether your child can use the cell phone responsibly and really needs it in everyday life, e.g. for the way to school or to contact you.
A simple cell phone without Internet access can be a good start so that children can learn the basic functions and gradually build up their media skills. A smartphone with limited functions can be purchased later. It is important that the first device is safe and easy to use.
With clear rules and accompanying discussions, children can learn early on what responsible use means. Especially at the beginning, you should create clear reasons for use and show interest in order to recognize possible challenges such as undesirable content or excessive use at an early stage.
Common rules for use help to practice using the cell phone and provide an opportunity to promote media literacy. Use the cell phone agreement below the article.
Yes, there are guidelines, such as those from the Guideline of GSPA (German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine) . However, it is crucial to adapt them to your child's needs and daily environment.
If media is crowding out other activities, talk to your child about it and try to offer alternatives. Common rules and fixed times are helpful. If your child's behavior changes noticeably, professional help may be useful.
Talk to your child about the fact that every family has its own rules. Explain your decisions and suggest alternatives so that you can have fun together.
Set up parental control settings and use child and youth profiles.
Most social networks have an age rating of 13 or 16 to protect children from inappropriate content and contacts. Actively supervise their use and make sure that profile settings such as privacy are set correctly.
Establish rules together, e.g. on data protection, content and time. Use the possibilities of media usage contracts, such as the cell phone agreement.