Children discover with SCROLLER how they can move safely and competently through the world of digital media. Exciting and funny tips, puzzles and stories make you want to read - online and as free printing.
The digital Kid's Room
The issue of SCROLLER 07 is about the question what will a kid's room look like in the future?
Artificial intelligence
The new English-language edition of the SCROLLER is about artificial intelligence and the exciting question, what our future therefore looks.
Wishing, sharing, buying
Can you have too many apps? Can you still go online and check things out even if you can’t see? The fifth issue of SCROLLER is all about being a “responsible consumer”.
Digital games
With the 4th issue of SCROLLER, you’ll be able to dive into the magical world of gaming, because this time the magazine is all about digital games.
Data, tracks, security
How and while you leave digital traces while surfing online? And how to get data from A to B - to the United States and back?
Social Networks
To chat, to post, to like: In the new edition of SCROLLER it is all about social networking.
Your first mobile
Smartphones, the Internet and co.: This issue is above all about getting the very first own cell phone.
SCROLLER in English
On discover children with many interactive games and numerous tips the world of digital media.

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Digital Shopping Tour

In the digital world today, huge quantities of a wide variety of data are collected and evaluated automatically.
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