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Commitment to sustainability and digitalization

As part of EURO 2024, the Teachtoday sustainability detectives are going on an exploratory tour. Their particular focus is on engagement and interest in sustainability issues. At their first stop, they visited the Fan Zone in Berlin. In the VIDEO they report on what they found.


Interview with Fabian Reese

The sustainability detectives ask how Hertha BSC professional soccer player Fabian Reese is doing with sustainability.


Interview with GURK Brothers

How can you be sustainable as a soccer influencer? The detectives ask the kick and tricky GURK Brothers.


Sustainability detectives

Cell phone collection campaign, public viewing and live soccer match - what does this have to do with environmental awareness? The sustainability detectives find out.


Stadium versus home

Our sustainability detectives Frieda and Matti compared the experience of a live European Championship match in the stadium with the experience at home in front of the TV.


Cell phone collection campaign

The sustainability detectives accompanied the winning team to the Magenta TV studio in Cologne and asked them why sustainability is so important to them.


Contact request

Do you have questions for our project office? Contact us via this link.