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Safer Internet Day 2017

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2017’s annual international Safer Internet Day took place under the motto “Be the change: unite for a better internet”. Teachtoday, an initiative of Deutsche Telekom, participated once again with a day of action in the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn.
Today’s world is getting ever more connected and digitized at a growing pace. That’s why competencies in dealing with digital media are of central importance for today’s young people. Step by step, they should learn how to use digital media in an independent and responsible manner, to form their own opinions and figure out their own answers to digital problems.
Over 60 school children came face to face with very personal digital stories at the SID 2017.


Over 60 school children came face to face with very personal digital stories at the action day hosted by Teachtoday in five workshops. They talked about their positive as well as negative experiences in dealing with the digital world. First off, the children worked in small groups in the workshop stage of the day. In the process they made five video messages that were then shown at the final presentation. The workshops dealt with important aspects of safe media use, privacy protection, when and how long it’s appropriate to use smartphones, and problems like cyber-bullying.

After a half-hour pause, all of the participants put their knowledge to the test in the Media Obstacle Course from Teachtoday, a course designed to use movement to spurn thought on safe media use. The concluding panel discussion was with Dr. Thomas Kremer, Board Member for Data Privacy, Legal Affairs and Compliance at Deutsche Telekom. He was interviewed by the kids on topics like, data security and how to protect one’s own privacy.

One theme in particular stood out in the lively discussion: How can children distinguish true information from fake news? “If something seems weird, you should always seek out other sources, to verify a report’s credibility,” said Dr. Kremer in response to one question. During the hour-long discussion, many children got to speak with Dr. Kremer, about cyber-bullying, hate speech, chain letters, hacks and computer viruses. In the end, there was barely enough time to get around to everyone, as engaged as the school kids were.

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/mediabase/img/4755.jpg Over 120 children were offered the opportunity at the “Summit for Kids” to strengthen their safe media usage in a playful and exciting way. Summit for Kids 2017
/mediabase/img/3238.jpg On November 04, 2016 Teachtoday held its “Summit for Kids” in Bonn, this time on data traces and security. Find out more! Summit for Kids 2016

Summit for Kids 2015

Summit for Kids 2014

Safer Internet Day 2018

Safer Internet Day 2016

Safer Internet Day 2015

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