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No Chance for Misinformation

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Nowadays, false information can spread like wildfire at lightning speed thanks to digital communication technologies. To prevent disinformation from unfolding its destructive potential, we all need to check the content we share carefully.
Politically and socially motivated misinformation is a major challenge for us all. It is essential that we critically question news and information, evaluate its credibility and formulate recommendations for action, especially with the younger generation in mind, to actively support them as they grow up in the media world.

In its new TV commercial for the “No Hate Speech” campaign, Deutsche Telekom uses the emblematic image of a spreading fire to demonstrate the dangers of disinformation. How can a wildfire be prevented? With the clear message “let's question what we share”, the commercial addresses the population and calls for self-reflection and active action against disinformation.

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Deutsche Telekom | No Chance for Misinformation
The campaign is supported by partner organizations such as CORRECTIV, Teachtoday and the “Digitaler Engel” project of Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V., all of which are pursuing the goal of strengthening competence in dealing with information on the internet. The campaign emphasizes the need to take both individual and collective responsibility to protect our society from the dangers of disinformation.

Thus, Teachtoday, Deutsche Telekom's media education initiative, offers a feature on disinformation including background information and an exciting project idea in which young people learn to deal with disinformation by examining specific examples, thus enabling them to make informed and critical decisions.

Project idea: Framing

In order to understand the mechanisms of disinformation, this project idea exemplifies how framing is used to steer our perception by selectively presenting certain aspects of information.


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