Applications based on AI are tools for expressing our creative ideas which makes them beneficial. As many of these tools are now easily accessible and simple to handle, they are often misused to create false or falsified information.
In the learning module, we clarify which technologies are currently being used, what role generative AIs play and how we can meet the new challenges in order to take competent action against disinformation.
Target group: Adults accompanying children (9-16 years) such as parents, teachers, educational professionals
Duration: 23:33 min
Format: Interactive educational video in H5P
The learning module not only contains a video, but is also supplemented by various brief interactive knowledge checks to prepare you for the specific issue and support your learning progress. Further in-depth information, interviews with experts and teaching materials can be found in our feature on disinformation.

Fake News – Strategies of Disinformation
Infographic: Mechanisms of disinformation