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Proper use of digital media

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Many parents find it difficult to teach their children the proper use of digital media. The topics of respectful interaction with others and using media too frequently come up for discussion time and again.
The following tips provide parents with an overview of the main challenges in media education regarding mobile usage times and breaks.
Read more in our dossier “Mobile Guide”
/mediabase/img/1932.jpg The question comes up in nearly every family whether the children should have their own cell phones or even smartphones. And more and more frequently the answer to this question is yes. Multimedia all-rounders
/mediabase/img/1898.jpg More and more children are receiving their first mobile phones around the time they start elementary school. Meanwhile, today’s cell phones, esp. smartphones, have more and more features and are no longer for just making phone calls. Rules and tips for parents

Rules and tips for educators

Cellular phone agreement

Educator and consultant

“Self-made cell case”

Cell phone cover

Cell phone covers are convenient and can be made very easily even by children and parents together.
To the instructions on the children’s page of Teachtoday

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